Recent Audio Releases

SQL with a Smile: An Easygoing Guide to SQL Basics

SQL With a Smile Cover

Need to learn SQL, but don't know where to begin?  SQL with a Smile is a new approach to learning a computer language - with jokes, puns, and plenty of visual aids. 

Pharmacology: The NCLEX Trainer

NCLEC Pharmacology Cover

Memorizing the vast amount of information needed for the pharmacology section of the NCLEX test is a huge challenge! Make the best use of your downtime, commute, or workout by quizzing yourself with this audiobook.

NCLEX Trainer: Cardiovascular System

NCLEX Cardiovascular Cover

This advanced NCLEX study guide features over 100 test questions complete with the correct answers - and an explanation of why they're correct!

Hydroponics: How to Start Your Own Hydroponic Garden and Grow Vegetables, Herbs and Fruit

Hydroponics Cover

This concise guide outlines what types of hydroponic systems are available, what you need to know to keep your plants healthy, and how to choose a setup that's right for you.

Gardening: How to Get Started with Your Own Organic Vegetable Garden

Organic Gardening Cover

Ready to get started with your garden, but not sure how you'll manage without pesticides? Let this book help you get started!

The Shareholder Value Myth

The Shareholder Value Myth Cover

In this path-breaking book, renowned corporate expert Lynn Stout debunks the myth that corporate law mandates shareholder primacy. Stout shows how shareholder value thinking endangers not only investors but the rest of us as well.


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